HKEAA-Online Registration for Public Exams

Notes to Applicants

Please read and ensure that you have understood all instructions listed in the "Notes to Applicants" before submission of registration. The HKEAA will not be held responsible for any incorrect registration and no refund of the examination fees paid will be arranged to candidates.

1. Important Information
  • Application deadline:

Type of application



27 February 2025 (by 5:30pm)*

Change / Addition of Subject

*According to the University's instruction, the local examination centre will close the registration on 27 February 2025 (by 5:30pm) and no validation code will be issued to candidates after the specified deadline. Candidates are reminded to enter the validation code in University's Student Portal to complete the entry task by 3 March 2025.

  • Entry requirement

Before submitting the registration to the HKEAA, candidates must make sure that they are eligible to sit for the computer-based examinations in May / June 2025. For details, please refer to Clause 2.

  • Registration procedure

Candidates are required to complete the registration via the HKEAA Online Registration System during the registration period and complete the online examination entry task on the candidates' University portal account with the validation code provided by the HKEAA. Otherwise, the registration will not be accepted by the University and no refund of the local examination fee paid will be arranged to candidates. For details, please refer to Clause 4.

  • Examinaton with access arrangement

Candidates who request for access arrangement for the examinations must obtain the approval from the University before the submission of the registration to the HKEAA. Not all access arrangement for examination will be administered at the HKEAA examination centre. For any enquiries about the access arrangement, candidates are advised to contact the HKEAA before the submission of the registration. For details, please refer to Clause 6.

  • Examination timetable

Please be reminded that it is the candidates' responsibilities to check the examination timetable carefully and to decide whether the examination schedule fits their personal life plan before the submission of the registration. For details, please refer to Clause 7.

  • Supplementary Admission Notice

Candidates are required to download the supplementary admission notice from the HKEAA Online Service Portal. For details, please refer to Clause 8.

  • Contact Us:

Email Enquiry:

Hotline: 3628 8787

2. Entry Requirement

Before submitting the registration to the HKEAA, candidates must make sure that they are eligible to sit for the University of London (the University) computer-based examinations in May / June 2025. Please make sure all necessary programmes regulations and examination registration procedures with the University have been fulfilled and followed through before submitting the registrations to the HKEAA. It is the candidates' responsibility to check if they are eligible to enter the computer-based examination. The HKEAA will not be held responsible for the registration if a candidate is later found ineligible to sit for the examinations or whose entry is rejected by the University.  Local examination fees or supplementary fees paid are NOT refundable nor transferable from one examination to another / a later examination or for other purposes.

3. Registration Window

Registration Window: 3 February 2025 (from 8:30am) to 27 February 2025 (by 5:30pm)*

*No late entry will be accepted after the specified deadline.


4. Registration Procedures

To complete the registration, candidates are required to complete the following steps within the registration period: 

(i) Create a portal account on HKEAA online registration system with a valid email address before starting the registration.

(ii) Activate the portal account and start the registration on HKEAA online registration system.

(iii)Upload a valid signed digital image of the University's Examination Entry Form at the time of registration. The University's Examination Entry Form should be downloaded from the University's Student Portal ( (Remark: if you have difficulty on downloading the Examination Entry Form from the Student Portal, please contact the University for further assistance.). 

(iv) A validation code* (7 digits) will be issued to candidates once the required local examination fees are settled. Local examination fees must be settled online as instructed.    

(v) Candidates must also complete the online examination entry task by inputting the validation code in the format of (275-XXXX) into the University's Student Portal before the entry deadline set by the University. Please note the hyphen (-) in between. Examination registration will not be accepted by the University if candidates fail to complete the online examination entry task in the University's student portal.

*Remark: Each validation code is unique and cannot be used more than once or by any other candidates.

Candidates must complete the online registration and settle the local examination fees by 27 February 2025 (5:30pm).  No late entry will be accepted after the specified deadline. Candidates are advised to submit their entries as early as possible in order to avoid the rush in the last few days. The HKEAA will not be held any responsible for any unsuccessful registration due to technical / network failure. Candidates who experience technical difficulties within the online examination entry task (e.g. unable to download the University's Examination Entry Form from the Student Portal, wrong information shown on the University's Entry Form, unable to process the online payment of the Sterling examination fee, etc….) should lodge the enquires to the University via Student Portal directly.


5. Local Examination Fee

Candidates are required to pay the local examination fee to the HKEAA for completing the online registration. Candidates should keep the email of acknowledgement for application as evidence of payment. If payment of examination fees is not made by specific deadline, registrations will only be accepted at the discretion of the HKEAA and a supplementary fee in addition to the examination fees will be levied.

Examination Programme Local Examination Fee (per paper)

1. Economics, Management, Finance, and Social Sciences (EMFSS)

2. Undergraduate Laws (UGLAW)


Local examination fees paid by a candidate who subsequently withdraws his / her entry, or is absent from the examination, or the examination is cancelled by the University in a later stage will NOT be refunded. Fees are NOT transferable to other examination centres, or from one examination to another / a later series or for other purposes. Any supplementary fees paid during the registration will not be counted as a part of examination fees. The supplementary fee paid will not be refunded under any circumstances.

6. Examination with Access Arrangement

Candidates who request for access arrangement for the examinations must obtain the approval from the University before the submission of the registration to the HKEAA. Please refer to the following procedures for the application of access arrangement.

(i) Raise the access arrangement request to the University and wait for approval.

(ii) Once the approval is granted from the University, please send the request to the HKEAA by email with the supporting document (i.e. approval email from the University).

(iii) The HKEAA will check with the University to confirm if the access arrangement will be administered at the HKEAA examination centre.

(iv) The HKEAA will inform the candidates to complete the online registration once the University confirmed that the examination with access arrangement will be administered at the HKEAA examination centre. 

Please note that the application of access arrangement is subject to University's approval and the availability of the examination centre. Please note that not all access arrangements for examinations will be conducted at the HKEAA examination centre. The HKEAA will not be held responsible for the registration if a candidate is later found ineligible to sit for the examination with access arrangement at the examination centre and no refund of the local examination fees paid will be arranged to candidates under any circumstance. For any enquiries about the access arrangement, candidates are advised to contact the HKEAA before the submission of the registration.

7. Examination Timetable

Candidates should refer to the examination timetables published on the University's website ( Final examination dates will be indicated in the Admission Notice issued by the University and the Supplementary Admission Notice issued by the HKEAA. Candidates must note that the local examination start time is 2:00pm even if it may differ slightly from those given on the University's Entry Form and Admission Notice issued by the University. No late candidate will be admitted to sit for the examination.

Candidates are also reminded to avoid registering those papers which are scheduled in the same examination session. No special arrangement will be made for those papers with timetable clash. Candidates are required to cancel either one paper and the local examination fees paid are NOT refundable and transferable. Candidates should contact the University and the HKEAA before the submission of the registration if they plan to sit more than one paper in the same sessions.

8. Supplementary Admission Notice  

The examination venue, date and local starting time for each paper will be indicated on supplementary admission notice issued by the HKEAA. The supplementary admission notice will be available to download from the HKEAA Online Service Portal in mid-April 2025. Candidates should login their portal accounts at the Registration Home Page to download the supplementary admission notice when receiving the notification email from the HKEAA. Please be reminded to print the supplementary admission notice on a clean and blank A4 paper. Candidates who are not able to download their supplementary admission notice by 14 April 2025 MUST contact the HKEAA for further assistance. 

Candidates will be assigned to take the examinations at the examination centres located in Hong Kong Island / Kowloon / New Territories. Assignment of examination venues is based on the candidature of the examination papers, availability and capacity of the venues. Request for change of the examination venue due to personal reason will not be entertained.  Besides, please note that the examinations with different subject / durations may be held in the same examination venue.

9. Addition / Change of Examination Paper

Application for the addition / change of paper(s) after the submission of the registration should be raised to the University for further approval. Candidates are required to notify the HKEAA by email immediately if there is any change of the registered paper (either on University's or candidates' request). Please note that a supplementary fee will be levied for the application of addition / change of paper in addition to the local examination fee.

10. Withdrawal Application

Application for withdrawal from the examination should be sent to the University for consideration.  Successful applications should be copied to the HKEAA by email ( Please note that no refund of the local examination fees and supplementary fees will be arranged for the withdrawal application.

11. Personal Data

Personal data of candidates are used by the HKEAA and the Examination Board for delivery of examination and assessment services. Whether you provide the requested personal data is voluntary.  However, if you fail to provide all the data, or if any of the data are inaccurate or incomplete, the HKEAA and the Examination Board may not be able to accept your entry or provide all or part of the examination and assessment services.  The personal data submitted may also be used for:

(a) assisting tertiary institutions and other government / public organizations in their admissions processes;
(b) assisting tertiary institutions and other government / public organizations in respect of their requests for information in granting scholarships;
(c) assisting tertiary institutions and other government / public organizations to confirm the candidates' eligibility for financial assistance or other forms of subsidization, in which case, the necessary personal data of the candidates may have to be disclosed to the concerned organizations for verification; 
(d) certifying candidates’ examination results in response to legitimate requests;
(e) processing any refund or payment in relation to the examination;
(f) conducting educational research and analysis in an anonymous format in which the identities of candidates are not traceable; and
(g) marketing the services and products of the Examination Board (including examination services, courses, events, publications, and other examination materials or resources) subject to the consent of the candidates.*

The HKEAA and the Examination Board may also transfer the personal data of candidates between then and to third parties for use for the above purpose or other directly related purposes, whether in or outside Hong Kong, including government / public organizations, regulatory bodies, schools and educational institutions, banks (for processing refund or payment), and service providers/personnel providing various administrative or technical services to facilitate the delivery of the examination and assessment services including but not limited to data punching, registration process, verification of identity, dispatch of examination documents, and the capture, disposal or other processing of data.

In compliance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, access to all personal data will be made available, on payment of a fee, to anyone who can establish his / her right to be informed of such data as are retained by the HKEAA.  Please also note that candidates’ personal data / correspondence / other information received by the HKEAA may be referred to the Examination Board concerned for delivery of examination and assessment services and for any of the abovementioned purposes or other directly related purposes. In general, upon completion of an examination or examination series and all the connecting examination services, the HKEAA will transfer all such data to the Examination Board who will then assume full control of such data.  By then, candidates should approach the Examination Board direct for their personal data / information handling policies if necessary.

*If you have given consent but wish to withdraw your consent for your personal data to be used for this purpose, please send a letter of request to the HKEAA.

12. Unforseeable Circumstances  

Candidates should accept that neither the Examination Board nor the HKEAA will be responsible for any non-performance of duties where such non-performance has been caused by an act of God, labour strike, natural disaster, adverse weather, epidemic, government action or intervention, riot, or any cause not reasonably foreseeable and beyond the reasonable control of the Examination Board or the HKEAA. Postponement or Rescheduling of examinations due to unforeseeable circumstances will be subject to the decision made by the University, instead of the HKEAA.

The HKEAA, including their contractors and subcontractors, shall not be liable to anyone claiming for any damages which are caused by, arising from or otherwise related to the failure of staff members, examination personnel or the examination centres to comply with the examination regulations, policies or procedures.